Heels for everybody! Run, girls, now you can!

And then, it’s summer again, longing the sea, running on the beach, strolling while holding an ice cream, romantic weddings under the arbors, and… As usual, we promise we’ll buy comfortable shoes, not to look like “those with the feet swollen because of the heat”, tortured by ankle laces, too high heels, uncomfortable plateaus… But as […]

Summer is a bare back dress

How do you imagine Summer? Well, Summer is a woman, that’s for sure. Of course, forget those carbon copied women with their plumped lips and cheekbones…they are all made from the same mold, have you ever notice that? Italian women who “had-some-work-done-by-the-same-surgeon” can be easily spotted abroad. You see them and tell yourself, yes they […]

Here they are, swimsuits to be beach-perfect!

As every year, it is time for swimsuit fitting, a very hard moment for all of us, even the fittest ones, who get to the decisive fitting and regularly feel imperfect, always spotting a particular or a detail to be modified. Unfortunately, the 50s are over for everybody, the swimsuit/dress does no longer exist and, […]

Even I took photos at the beach

Every blogger who is worthy of their name has to take photos with faces, or, even better, photos of themselves blowing kisses. Every blogger who defines themselves as a blogger has to have photos with the sea in the background, posing like a diva. That is why I have decided that, by and large, some […]