That longing for keeping your white clothes

Maybe it is the time to start posting fall pictures with sweatshirts, blazer, cloaks, capes or coats; but careful, not those winter clothes, but the light ones, oversize or skinny, perfect for that time of the year when the days are shorter and you will take them off during your lunch break. Those you leave on the backseat and often forget there for the whole week, thus making your 500 a sort of extension of your wardrobe, that as we all know, it’s never big enough. Those clothes you have to think about when the true cold arrives, asking yourself if it’s worth keeping them into your closet throughout the winter months or not, and this is one of a woman’s dilemmas as well.

But no, such a problem about light coats, whether they are skinny or oversize, to be kept or not in our winter wardrobe, is going to be a future issue. Right now, we have a way more serious problem: we don’t have the slightest desire to put away our white clothes: be they jeans, fluttery silky skirts, or bows on our panamas; and this is not just because white looks good on “brunettes with a cool skin tone”, but also because it reminds us so many beautiful things.

That longing for keeping your white clothes - Cosamimettooggi

Those linen sheets, freshly laundered and ironed, that after a minute get all wrinkled and they’re not the same anymore, the whipped cream on top of our ice cream in which so rarely we decide to indulge, the beach umbrellas that, when all white and open, are worlds apart.
Pinkie, the Persian cat of my childhood, the daisies, your white t-shirt that matches everything, especially that sparky skirt, the brand new pair of sneakers just off the box, your first house’s wall freshly painted, maybe by yourself.
The Ikea fluffy carpet on the back of each of your Instagram picture, Santorini little houses, the white beaches in Seychelles, which are really white, your mother’s wedding dress, which is maybe a bit too vintage but still the most beautiful dress you have ever seen in your life…

Well, the list could go on forever. My suggestion? Keep something white in your winter wardrobe: it could be perfect to cheer up one of those grey winter days!

That longing for keeping your white clothes - Cosamimettooggi That longing for keeping your white clothes - Cosamimettooggi That longing for keeping your white clothes - Cosamimettooggi That longing for keeping your white clothes - Cosamimettooggi That longing for keeping your white clothes - CosamimettooggiThat longing for keeping your white clothes - Cosamimettooggi

I was wearing:

– Max & Co Skirt
– Vintage Hat
– Rondini Sandals
– Zara Sweater